HOST:Gould Academy

SITE: Sunday River, Bethel, ME

Information for participating schools


Gould Academy :

Deb Costello

Sue Gardner
Email: gardners@gouldacademy.org
Phone: (207) 824-7714

Directions to Sunday RiverLodging Info 

Race Entries:

Entry Form

Race Entries

Race Fee:

Schedule, Wednesday, February 11th

7:00 Lift 1 opens for coaches and race workers
7:00 Registration in Gould Academy Competition Center
7:30 Lift 1 opens for athletes
8:00 Coaches meeting in Gould Academy Competition Center
8:00 Slalom training on T2 all courses must be pulled by 10:00
9:30 First run boys slalom (skiers right), 2nd run immediately following 1st(skiers left).
First run girl's giant slalom, 2nd run immediately following 1st same course.
11:30 courses prepped or reset for 2nd race.
12:30 First run girls slalom (skiers right), 2nd run immediately following 1st(skiers left).
First run boy's giant slalom, 2nd run immediately following 1st same course..
3:00 Awards upstairs in comp. Center

Please remember these times are estimates and please check the finish boards for time changes.

General Information:


1. No racers may run, side slip, or shadow the course during their pre-race inspection. To do so risks immediate disqualification.

2. All racers are expected to be at the start at the proper time. Racers who miss their start will run at the end of the order. The running order will be reversed within each seed in the second run (if registration was received on time). 

3. A racer who has a binding release in the course is an automatic DSQ. However, if a racer loses one ski after passing the second to last gate on the course, (s)he may attempt to complete the race on one ski.

4. If a racer misses a gate and chooses to climb, (s)he must cross the horizontal plane on either side of the gate that was missed before continuing down the course. However, if a racer falls, and skis stay on, and (s)he is hiking, they must yield to an oncoming racer or be disqualified.

5. If a racer feels his or her run has been interfered with, (s)he must ski out of the course where the infraction occurs. No protest will be allowed if the racer completes the course and/or crosses through the finish line. The racer must then ski to the finish area and await the decision of race officials as to whether or not a (provisional) rerun will be granted.


Helmets are mandatory in the Giant Slalom, and recommended for Slalom.


The sum of the placing of each team’s top three finishers for each event will be totaled to determine overall order of team finish. Teams with less than 3 finishers take n + 1 for the placing of the missing racer towards the team score. Individual awards will be given for each discipline, and for team scoring in both events combined, with top three teams receiving plaques. Team scoring will be determined by taking the sum of placings in both Slalom and GS. In the event of a tie for the combined Slalom and GS score, lowest total time for the top three finishers for both GS and Slalom events would then be used to break the tie.