Independent School Ski Coaches Association

Competition Committee

Spring Meeting

October 23, 2003

St. Paul’s School


        I.      Present




Scott Berube

Berwick Academy


Marc Dancer

Deerfield Academy


Greg Leeds

Northfield-Mt. Hermon School


Davis Edry

New Hampton School


Fred Hollister



Paul Elkins

Worcester Academy



II.      Petition from Eaglebrook School

Dear ISSCA Competition Committee,

Because of a recent change of date (our notification 9/26) of the Class B championship to Saturday, February 21 from the original date set at our Spring meeting of Wednesday, February 11, Eaglebrook is requesting to be allowed to participate in the Class A or Class C championship for this year only.  A prior school commitment conflicts with the Saturday, February 21 date.  The school has made plans to participate on the original date.

Our school took in good faith; the date set at the Spring meeting and certainly would have supported the Saturday date if it was announced then.  We support not missing classes, but because of our school's commitment on Saturday, February 21, we are asking the Competition Committee to allow Eaglebrook to participate in another class on the Wednesday, February 11 date.

Sincerely, Christopher Loftus

Athletic Director

Jack Shea

Director of Snowsports

   III.      Petition Granted

a.      If Class A and C are on 2/18/04, then move to Class A

b.      If Class C stays on 2/11/04, then move to Class C

  IV.      Committee charged with creating criteria for movement between classes that will be discussed by the entire group of coaches

     V.      The authority for re-alignment rests with the Competition Committee

  VI.      Schools can appeal Competition Committee decisions (petition)

VII.      Adjourned